The Best Suitable Breeds For Indian Weather

Very often, we forget that not all dogs can survive in our country. Unlike a lot of Western countries, India doesn’t go through four seasons and it rarely ever gets cold enough to snow. But lots of people don’t take that into consideration when adopting dogs, bringing Huskies into hot cities like Delhi or Chennai. That is a sad kind of torture for dogs and it’s not good for them to sweat that much, especially when they have never been accustomed to that kind of weather. Sure, we can say that we’ll keep them in AC rooms forever, but dogs need to get out and stretch their legs, walk around and interact with people. Just for the sake of owning Huskies, it’s not worth it. However, there are certain breeds of dogs that are suitable for our type of weather.


This might just be the most common breed found in India. Besides the fact that they are incredibly friendly and loveable, Labrador’s also have a soft, silky undercoat that helps keep them warm and dry in cold weather, but it also keeps them comfortable during the summers. Grooming a Labrador might seem like work, but it’s totally worth it to get the shine and to make them feel fantastic.


Due to their short muzzles, Pugs can suffer heat-strokes during the height of summer. While we’ve seen Pugs in Vodafone ads over the years, they are still quite rare in the country, but there are still quite a few. It’s important to keep them cool during the summers, and walk them regularly as they have a tendency to gain weight really fast. But on the whole, Pugs are a great breed to raise in India.


Tinier than Pugs, Dachshunds are adorable additions to your family. Much like Pugs, Dachshunds aren’t very hairy and maintaining their coat isn’t too difficult. But summers can be a little hard on them as well, it’s important to keep track of this and keep an eye on your furry buddy anyway.


You might not think that they would be suitable for this weather given their coats, but they shed their hair during the summer giving them a lighter coat which makes it more comfortable for them. They are also easy to look after and are incredibly friendly. Make sure to brush their coats regularly, so that their fur doesn’t matt.


Lots of people are wary of adopting Dobermans because they seem to be ferocious, but they do make great guard dogs. However, they are also incredibly friendly and easy to look after. Plus, their short fur coat makes it comfortable for them in any weather in this country.

German Shepherds (Alsatians)

The most common of all dogs in the country, the German Shepherds also make great guard dogs and are often used in the military for that reason. While they have very furry coats, with a lot of brushing and constantly maintenance, things can be handled just fine.

If we’re missing any breeds that you think should be on this list, let us know!

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